Diversify Your Offerings: The Power of Side Hustles

In the dynamic world of fitness, diversifying your offerings is more than just a savvy business move. It opens the doors to many income streams, offering a financial cushion during economic downturns or off-peak seasons.

Profitable Side Hustles for Fitness Trainers

10 Benefits of Adding Side Hustles

In the highly competitive world of fitness training, diversifying one’s income stream can often mean the difference between merely surviving and truly thriving. Adding side hustles to a fitness trainer business not only opens up new avenues for revenue, but also enables trainers to showcase their multifaceted skill set and deepen their engagement with a broader client base. Whether it’s through offering online nutrition courses, selling fitness merchandise, or partnering with health-focused brands, side hustles provide a dynamic way to enhance business stability and foster growth. Furthermore, they allow fitness professionals to explore their passions and creativity, thereby enriching their career satisfaction and making a positive impact on their community’s well-being.

Diversified Income Streams. A side hustle can provide additional income streams, which can be especially useful during times when primary income from personal training sessions may decrease (e.g., during economic downturns or off-peak seasons).

Extended Reach. Side hustles like online classes, fitness blogging, or selling fitness merchandise can help trainers reach a wider audience. It’s a chance to impact more people with their expertise and build a broader client base.

Skill Development. Engaging in different side hustles can help trainers develop new skills, such as digital marketing, video production, or ecommerce, which can be valuable in today’s tech-savvy world.

Brand Building. Side hustles offer avenues for fitness trainers to build and strengthen their personal brand. Through activities like podcasting or writing e-books, trainers can establish themselves as thought leaders in the fitness space.

Passive Income Potential. Some side hustles, like selling workout plans or fitness e-books, can eventually generate passive income, freeing up time for other personal or professional pursuits.

Increased Job Satisfaction. Side hustles allow trainers to explore their interests and passions within the fitness industry in new and creative ways, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and prevent burnout.

Community Building. Through various side hustles, fitness trainers can create and nurture a community of like-minded individuals. This can lead to a loyal customer base, and also provide the trainer with a support network.

Improved Financial Stability. Having multiple income streams from side hustles can provide better financial stability and security, making trainers less reliant on the income from their primary training services.

Market Adaptability. The fitness market is constantly evolving. Side hustles allow fitness trainers to adapt to market trends and consumer preferences, keeping their business relevant and competitive.

Professional Networking. Engaging in side hustles can open doors to new professional relationships and collaborations with other fitness professionals, suppliers, and potential clients, which can be invaluable for growth and learning.

Each side hustle carries its unique set of challenges and opportunities, so it’s important for fitness trainers to choose endeavors that align with their long-term goals, skill sets, and personal interests.

Potential Revenue

The income from fitness trainer side hustles can vary a lot. New trainers might only make a few hundred dollars per month, while more popular trainers can earn several thousand dollars monthly. Very successful trainers with many followers can make tens of thousands monthly or even more over a year. The online setup, which reaches people globally, can help you earn more money if used well.

The best way to assure your success is to start one hustle at a time. Work to get it flowing smoothly with consistent growth. Then start the next one.

Here are a few things to think about as you start a side hustle:

  1. Potential Audience Size
  2. Work on Pricing Structure
  3. Choose the Right Platforms
  4. Work to Keep Costs Low
  5. Build Reputation and Experience
  6. Marketing and Promotion
  7. Additional Offerings

Online Fitness Classes

Offer live or pre-recorded workouts for clients who can’t attend in person. Platforms like Zoom or Patreon can be used.

Offering online fitness classes lets trainers reach more people by using platforms like Zoom for live sessions or Patreon for subscription access to recorded workouts. This way, trainers can provide fitness programs to people with different schedules and abilities, without the location restriction. It not only offers a flexible fitness option for clients who can’t attend in-person classes, but also helps trainers build their brand and a loyal community. Trainers can make money through subscriptions, one-time fees, and personalized plans. It’s important for trainers to have a clear and professional setup to keep clients interested. By planning well, moving to online classes can increase a trainer’s income and allow them to help others meet their fitness goals.

Fitness E-Books or Guides

Write and sell e-books on specific workout routines, nutrition plans, or fitness challenges.

Fitness trainers can reach more people by creating and selling fitness e-books and guides. This digital method lets trainers share their knowledge and workout programs easily with others worldwide. They can offer workout plans, nutritional tips, and educational content to help people manage their fitness journey. Platforms like Amazon Kindle or Gumroad can be used to sell these digital products for extra income. This can also help build an online brand and a loyal community, as happy readers might return for more personalized advice or training. With social media, marketing these digital products is now easier and cheaper. By selling fitness e-books and guides, trainers can share their expertise globally and create a strong online presence in the fitness industry.

Nutrition Coaching

If qualified, offer personalized diet plans and nutrition advice alongside your fitness training.

Adding Nutrition Coaching is a great way for fitness trainers to broaden their services. Nutrition is key to overall health, and by giving personalized advice, trainers can help clients reach their fitness goals more effectively. This service can be offered through online one-on-one meetings, group webinars, or digital meal planning guides. It’s good for trainers to get a nutrition certification for providing accurate advice. Platforms like Zoom can be used for live advice, while a website can be used for booking sessions, sharing testimonials, and providing resources. Nutrition coaching can help build long-term relationships with clients through regular check-ins and follow-ups. This not only boosts a trainer’s credibility and value, but also helps clients succeed, creating a beneficial situation for both.

Personal Training Apps

Develop or collaborate on a fitness app that provides workouts, tracking, and coaching.

Creating a personal training app is a modern way for fitness trainers to reach more people and offer personalized services. Trainers can provide workout routines, nutritional guides, and track progress through the app, making fitness advice more handy for clients. Developing an app needs a big initial investment for a user-friendly design, adding features like virtual coaching, progress tracking, and meal planning, and ensuring it follows legal and privacy rules regarding health information. Hiring professional app developers, especially those with fitness or health experience, can help make the process smoother. It’s also important to have a strong marketing strategy to promote the app and attract users. The app can make money through subscriptions, in-app purchases for special training programs, or charges for one-on-one virtual coaching. Having a personal training app shows a trainer is modern and opens up many chances for making money and building their brand in the growing fitness industry.

Fitness Blogging or Vlogging

Share your knowledge, experiences, and tips on a personal blog or YouTube channel. Monetize through ads, affiliate marketing, or sponsored content.

Starting a fitness blog or vlog is a great way for trainers to build an online presence, share their knowledge, and reach more people. They can write or make videos about fitness topics, workout routines, and nutrition tips. Using platforms like WordPress, Medium or YouTube can help trainers establish credibility and offer valuable information to viewers. By consistently sharing engaging and useful content, trainers can build a loyal following, improve their online visibility, and become known as experts in fitness. They can make money through ads on YouTube and Google AdSense, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and selling digital products like workout plans or ebooks. Blogging and vlogging also work as a strong marketing tool for other services or products they offer. Learning basic SEO and video editing skills, or working with professionals who have these skills, can help trainers reach and connect with more people. Through blogging and vlogging, trainers can expand their influence, enhance their professional profile, and explore different ways to make money in the digital fitness world.

Fitness Retreats or Workshops

Organize weekend retreats or day workshops focusing on fitness, wellness, and nutrition.

Fitness trainers can offer more engaging experiences to clients by organizing fitness retreats and workshops. Retreats offer a health-focused getaway, while workshops provide hands-on learning on fitness topics. Planning these events needs careful organization, including choosing locations, arranging accommodations, designing programs, and promoting the event while following health and safety rules. It’s good to team up with other experts like nutritionists or yoga instructors to offer a well-rounded experience. Trainers should either manage logistics like bookings, transport, and catering, or hire someone to help. Pricing should cover costs and offer value to attendees. Using social media and email marketing can help promote the event and attract participants. Offering these events can boost a trainer’s reputation, create extra income, improve client interactions, and build a fitness community. With good planning, fitness retreats and workshops can greatly benefit both the trainer’s brand and the attendees’ experience.


Create and sell fitness-related merchandise, such as workout gear, resistance bands, water bottles, or branded apparel.

Branching into fitness merchandise is a wise step for trainers wanting to boost their brand and earn more money. Selling branded clothes, workout gear, and fitness accessories can advertise your services and build a community among your clients. First, understand what your target audience likes and needs. This will help choose products that they’ll like and that represent your brand well. It’s key to work with trustworthy manufacturers or sellers to ensure your merchandise is high-quality for active use. A good design, possibly made with a graphic designer’s help, will make your brand and merchandise look better. You can use online platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce to sell your items, and promote them through social media and email marketing. Consider also selling your merchandise at events, workshops, or local gyms to increase local awareness. As you start selling fitness merchandise, keep track of sales, get customer feedback to improve, and adjust your strategy for better success.

Affiliate Marketing

Partner with fitness brands or products you trust and earn a commission for every sale made through your referral.

Engaging in affiliate marketing is a way for fitness trainers to make money online by promoting fitness products or services. They earn a commission for sales made through their unique affiliate links. To start, it’s good to partner with reputable brands that align with your fitness beliefs and would interest your audience. Platforms like Amazon Associates or ShareASale have a range of fitness products to promote. It’s important to tell your audience about your affiliate relationships, following Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines. You can promote affiliate products by creating content like reviews or tutorials on your blog, social media, or YouTube, and by sharing products via email marketing. Tracking your performance through analytics helps understand what your audience likes and refine your strategies. Affiliate marketing not only offers a way to earn passive income, but also helps your audience by recommending helpful fitness products, building trust and engagement with your community.

Corporate Fitness Programs

Offer specialized fitness training or workshops for corporate clients looking to boost employee wellness.

Starting corporate fitness programs is a smart way for fitness trainers to offer more services and have a steady income. These programs aim to boost the health of employees, which can improve productivity and reduce healthcare costs for companies. To begin, understand the specific needs of a corporate setting. A strong program could have on-site fitness classes, customized workout plans, nutrition workshops, or wellness challenges. Connecting with local businesses or networking through current clients can help get corporate contracts. It’s good to have a professional proposal showing the benefits, services, and prices of your program. Being flexible with schedules, adjusting to different fitness levels, and understanding insurance and legal matters are important for success in corporate fitness. Marketing your services through a website, LinkedIn, and local business networks can increase visibility among corporate clients. Offering corporate fitness programs can expand a trainer’s client base and promote healthier workplace communities.

Specialized Fitness Classes

Offer classes targeting specific groups, such as pre-natal fitness, senior fitness, or rehabilitation workouts.

Offering specialized fitness classes allows trainers to cater to specific groups, improve their skills, and diversify their services. These classes can focus on different workout styles or groups like high-intensity interval training (HIIT), prenatal fitness, or senior fitness. Trainers should have or get the needed certifications to ensure safe and effective guidance. It’s important to do market research to understand the demand for these specialized classes and identify the target audience. Once prepared, promoting your classes through social media, email newsletters, and local partnerships is key to attract participants. Also, consider logistics like scheduling, location (online or in-person), and pricing for accessibility and convenience. Specialized classes can help trainers stand out in a competitive market, positively impact specific groups, and enhance satisfaction and success in their fitness career.

Specialized Fitness Classes for Seniors

Offer classes targeting specific groups, such as seniors.

Offering specialized fitness classes for seniors is a fulfilling way to meet the fitness and mobility needs of older individuals. This venture needs a mix of knowledge, understanding, and patience to ensure safety and effectiveness. It’s good to get certifications like the Senior Fitness Specialist (SFS) to better understand and address the common health issues and mobility challenges seniors face. Creating a program that focuses on improving balance, flexibility, strength, and heart health in a safe way is key to a successful senior fitness program. Promoting your classes can be done through partnerships with local community centers, senior living facilities, or medical practitioners. It’s important to create a welcoming environment and offer personalized attention to meet individual needs. Also, considering logistical factors like easy access, suitable class timings, and a moderate pace to match the senior clientele is important. This specialized service not only expands your reach as a fitness professional but also significantly improves the quality of life for seniors in your community.

Specialized Fitness Classes for Parkinson’s Disease

Offer classes targeting specific groups, such as individuals with Parkinson’s Disease.

Offering specialized fitness classes for individuals with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a valuable effort that can greatly help improve their life quality. Success in this area requires a deep understanding of the unique challenges and symptoms of Parkinson’s like tremors, stiffness, and balance issues. It’s advisable to get certified or trained in Parkinson’s fitness, like through programs offered by the Brian Grant Foundation. Collaborating with local neurologists or Parkinson’s support groups can also be helpful for referrals and ensuring your program is medically sound. It’s important to create a safe, supportive, and accessible environment. Your classes should aim to improve motor function, stability, and also encourage social interaction, which can help with mental well-being. Tailoring exercises to different mobility levels and having both individual and group activities can offer a well-rounded fitness experience. Keeping open communication with participants and their healthcare providers to track progress and adjust the program as needed is essential. This service is not only beneficial to the community but also a rewarding experience that positively impacts the lives of those facing the challenges of Parkinson’s.

Sports Specific Training

Offer training geared towards improving performance in specific sports like basketball, soccer, or tennis.

Starting sports-specific fitness training is a great way for fitness trainers to grow their client base and specialize in tailored training plans. This focus helps improve athletic performance by working on skills, strength, and conditioning needed for a specific sport. To start, it’s important to understand the sport’s mechanics, common injuries, and performance needs. Getting related certifications and possibly teaming up with sports coaches or medical experts can boost your knowledge and reputation. It’s good to design a thorough program covering strength, agility, endurance, flexibility, and specific sports techniques. Using fitness assessment tools and technology to track and adjust an athlete’s training based on their performance can be helpful for achieving the best results. It’s also smart to have a strong marketing plan, using social media, local sports clubs, and athlete reviews to attract more clients. This kind of training can be very rewarding as you help athletes succeed, and it also sets you apart as a specialized trainer in the competitive fitness world.

Fitness Podcast

Start a podcast discussing fitness trends, interviewing other experts, or answering listener questions about health and wellness.

Starting a fitness podcast is an exciting way for trainers to reach more people and build authority in the fitness world. It’s a space to share knowledge, talk about fitness trends, and connect with a larger audience. To begin, find a unique focus for your podcast to stand out in the crowded fitness podcast scene. Common topics could be expert interviews, nutritional advice, workout tips, or mental wellness talks. Basic equipment like a good microphone, headphones, and some recording and editing software are needed for a professional sound. It’s smart to plan and record a few episodes before launching to keep a steady release schedule. Interacting with listeners through social media or email, and getting feedback can help improve your podcast over time. Consider teaming up with other fitness pros for varied content and more listeners. You can make money through sponsorships, affiliate marketing, or premium content. Joining podcasting workshops or networking with other podcasters can offer helpful insights. A fitness podcast not only boosts your brand but also helps people on their fitness journeys.

Selling Workout Plans

Design and sell personalized or generic workout plans for different goals, such as weight loss, muscle building, or marathon training.

Starting to offer fitness workout plans can help a trainer provide more services and reach more people looking to get fit. The first step is having a good knowledge base, and possibly personal training and nutrition certifications. It’s important to understand different fitness levels and individual needs to create personalized workout plans. These plans should be well-rounded, covering strength training, cardio, flexibility exercises, and nutrition advice. Offering a range of plans for different goals like weight loss or muscle building is smart. Plans should have clear instructions, visual guides, and ways to track progress. Using fitness apps or online platforms can help manage and share these plans. It’s also key to have a way to communicate with clients for support, answering questions, and making plan adjustments if needed. This venture not only expands a trainer’s services but also gives clients a flexible and personalized way to work on their fitness.

Subscription Box

Curate fitness-related subscription boxes with supplements, snacks, workout gear, and other goodies.

Starting a fitness subscription box business can be a thrilling and profitable way for a fitness trainer to earn more and offer extra to clients. These boxes can have a mix of fitness gear, health supplements, snacks, gadgets, and workout instructions. First, do market research to know what people would want in a fitness box. Then, partner with reliable vendors to ensure good quality items in the box. Offering different subscription options for various fitness goals like weight loss or muscle building is a good idea. Set up an easy-to-use online platform for managing subscriptions and payments. Marketing is key, so use social media, engaging campaigns, and customer reviews to promote your business. You might also offer online consultations or workout plans as an extra service. This venture can boost brand loyalty and help keep clients motivated towards their fitness goals.

Virtual Challenges

Organize virtual fitness challenges or marathons where participants can join, track their progress, and possibly win prizes.

Starting virtual fitness challenges can help fitness trainers build a motivated community, keep clients engaged, and make fitness goals fun and competitive. Here’s a simple plan to begin: First, decide the goal of the challenge like weight loss or workout consistency. Then, set the time frame and rules. Use fitness apps to help participants track progress. Create an online group for participants to share their progress and interact. Offer rewards for winners or reaching goals, like free training sessions. Promote the challenge on social media, emails, and your website to attract participants. Make registration easy and clear on any fees. During the challenge, keep participants motivated by sharing tips and celebrating achievements. After the challenge, get feedback to improve future challenges. Virtual challenges can expand your services, attract new clients, and create a supportive fitness community.


Offer consulting services for gyms, fitness startups, or individual trainers just starting in the industry.

Starting a fitness consulting business can be a fulfilling way for trainers to extend their career beyond just guiding workouts. This role involves giving expert advice, making personalized fitness plans, and helping people or groups improve their fitness strategies. To start, having strong knowledge in the field, like advanced certifications or a degree, is important. Specializing in areas like sports performance or weight loss can also be beneficial to attract certain clients. It’s a good idea to offer a range of services like fitness assessments and personalized plans, with clear pricing to manage client expectations. Having a professional website and using social media can help showcase your skills and share client success stories. Networking with other professionals and participating in community activities can help grow your business. Effective communication and building trust with clients is key for success in this field. Through fitness consulting, trainers can have a bigger impact by providing expert advice to improve individuals’ or organizations’ fitness and health.

Recovery and Rehabilitation

Get certified in techniques like foam rolling, stretching, or massage, and offer sessions focused on recovery.

Offering recovery and rehabilitation in fitness is a great way for trainers to help people recovering from injuries or managing chronic conditions. To start, it’s good to get extra training in exercise rehabilitation. Knowing about anatomy and recovery is important. Working with local medical professionals can also be helpful for getting referrals and giving well-rounded care to clients. This service involves creating personalized exercise plans to help clients regain movement and strength, manage pain, and prevent injuries. Clear communication about the recovery process and realistic goals is crucial. It’s also smart to have insurance to protect against legal issues. Promoting these services can be done through sharing success stories and teaming up with local clinics for free workshops. By doing this, trainers help clients get back to an active, pain-free life, which can be very fulfilling.

In the fitness world, there’s lots of room for creativity and trying new things. Trainers can explore different side jobs to earn more and broaden their skills. These include online classes, selling fitness products, special training programs, and even creating fitness apps. They can also get into nutrition coaching, writing e-books, or starting a podcast to share their knowledge. Each of these options can help earn more money, improve skills, and connect with a community interested in health and wellness. This way, trainers can build a varied and rewarding career beyond a gym.